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Dealing with depression is difficult. Sometimes despite everything you have going right in your life, you can still face periods of depression and sadness. In different areas of my life, I have faced periods of depression. Depression seems to be more common than ever today and many wait too long to address the problem only hurting themselves or those that they love.

The Pursuit of Money Can Lead to Despair

Many people deal with depression directly related to their financial situations. When your mind is consumed by your debt and feelings of inadequacy all of the time it can really lead to despair. Money is a terrible master and can easily lead you down a path of complete destruction. Never place your faith in your financial situation or you will be left disappointed. Many have committed suicide after they face devastating financial challenges. Suicide felt like the only way out when they could see no hope for their future financial recovery.  Suicide is never the answer to that pain and money is never the answer to your problems. Money can be an awesome tool when used correctly but money also has the power to destroy lives. The simple reason is that money can become a god in our life. When we do not recognize the place that money should have in our lives it becomes a priority which leads to destructive behavior. When money becomes a top priority in our life we are going to end up on a path of destruction. Destruction of the most important things in our lives our relationships with those that we love, our peace of mind & our faith in God.

When you approach your financial life always remember that with more money comes more potential to distract us from joy in life. A joyful life is far more valuable than any amount of money you can ever acquire. Money will never make you happy but when used wisely and when shared with others it can be blessed by God to help change lives. Money should always be viewed as a tool and not as an ultimate goal to achieve. Money can pay our bills, pay down debt, buy nice things, be given to help others and any number of goals can be achieved through financial prosperity. However, the desire for more money and endless pursuit will leave you empty and hurting.

Seeking joy in my own life

Andrea Joy, the girl who writes frequently about how to discover joy in your life has always struggled to find it on her own. Because I have always struggled to find it I have also learned through those struggles. The biggest reason I focus on the aspect of joy on my website is because of the relevance in my own life. We need to recognize that Joy is not always an easy thing to find. However true Joy can be found and once you have found it nothing and no one can steal it away.

If you struggle to find joy and depression creeping into your life, please realize that you are not alone. Joy is a matter of the heart. Joy is found when you accept Christ as your savior and begin to follow God’s leading. Embracing a more joyful life is a choice, but sometimes that choice is harder than ever. Remember that these times will not last forever and the sooner you deal with your depression and the root cause, the sooner you can once again discover joy in your life.

What to do when you are in a place that is less than joyful?

  1. Allow yourself to deal with your feelings. It is ok sometimes to not be ok. None of us are perfect no matter what anyone tries to make you believe.

  2. Take care of yourself. It’s ok to focus on yourself and your needs. You do not have to feel guilty for doing this ever. Taking time for yourself is so important and can make a huge difference.

  3. Find someone you can talk with about your feelings and someone that you can trust. We all need someone to talk to when we are feeling down. If you have a friend or family member that you can trust, confide in them how you are feeling. Having someone to share your feelings with can help you move out of this state of depression much easier.

  4. Sometimes counseling is the best choice. Many who deal with depression will never go to counseling but really should consider it. Counseling will not fix all of your problems but it can help a lot.

  5. Talk with your Physician. Sometimes depression can be related to more than just past experiences and life circumstances. Sometimes depression is a symptom of a medical or mental health condition. Never hesitate to seek help in your depression from counselors or Physicians. Seeking help does not mean you are weak but can demonstrate great strength. It takes a lot of courage to talk about our feelings and to let someone in on our struggles.

Don’t be ashamed to admit you need help

Never be ashamed of dealing with depression. It is a reality dealt with in many of our lives. Our world is very broken. Many of us deal with scars from the past, broken relationships, financial burdens, and pain related to hurts we have experienced. Depression is a natural response to many things we must face throughout our lives. Depression is hard to deal with on our own, and we often need to seek help as we begin to cope. Asking for help and recognizing your need for a change shows great wisdom. It honestly requires a lot of courage to be able to take that step and acknowledge your need for help.

I suggest checking out some of these resources below when dealing with times like this. Depression is very real and should never be ignored or taken lightly. Accepting your struggle with depression and seeking help can be the best way to overcome it. The sooner you can get back on the path to a more joyful life the better.

Why do I feel it is important to speak out on depression?

Depression is something that I have personally battled many times over the years. Sometimes depression creeps in when you least expect it and sometimes it seems to never leave. For me, it is a battle that I seem to face related to issues from my past. I find that it has been a constant struggle to seek joy in the difficult circumstances in my life. Today I wanted to share some resources for those of you who might be hurting or maybe you just know someone else who is.

Resources in dealing with difficult times

  • A favorite book of mine that I highly recommend reading is - You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado. Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors and has always had a way with words that speak straight to my heart. Another great book from Max Lucado that you might also appreciate is a book called Anxious For Nothing if you deal with anxiety his book can help you understand and manage it.

  • Are you dealing with hurts, habits, and hang-ups? If you are and you are looking for a group to connect with you should check out Celebrate Recovery for a group in your area. Celebrate Recovery, is a ministry that can help you deal with all of these things as well as many types of addictions in your life.

  • In really difficult times many people with suicidal thoughts which are very real. If this is you please seek help immediately. I have a few resources that can help you right now. The suicide prevention hotline is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and there is always someone willing to take your call. Your life matters and absolutely nothing is more important than getting help immediately if you are considering suicide. Here is the link to the website for the suicide prevention line

  • Dealing with a crisis and need someone to talk with? The crisis text line is free and available 24/7 for those who need help in any crisis.

  • This link provides resources to help you locate Free and low-cost counseling in your local area.

  • Gambling addiction has become a very real issue today. This is an addiction that can become so devastating and hurt your financial life. If you or someone you love is dealing with a gambling addiction, you can use this website to find the phone number and information for the gambling addiction hotline.

  • Abuse is a very real problem today. Whether physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual they are all very real. No one should have to live with abuse and the effects of abuse as I know very well can leave a devastating mark on your life that is hard to overcome. If you live in an abusive situation, I recommend visiting this website for more resources and I encourage you to reach out to someone visiting this website for more resources I encourage you to reach out to someone that you can trust. Your life and happiness matter and you can get help today. Are you living in an abusive situation and need to locate a local shelter? Go to this website and enter your zip code to locate a shelter immediately.

These situations are so critical to handle in our lives and the lives of others we know and love. Depression should always be handled with compassion and taken seriously. Seeking professional help is always recommended and should never be taken lightly. Finally, give your life and finances to God and watch Him transform what was once hopeless into something amazing! There is hope and you can find joy in your life once again.




More Than Enough