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Welcome back to friends and finances my featured blogger series that introduces you to some amazing bloggers. The biggest reason I decided to start this new series, is because I believe in getting different perspectives on handling your finances. I also believe that the bloggers featured here each week have a lot to offer the world and deserve recognition. Some of the blogs featured will be other personal finance related blogs and others will not be. The reason I chose to include some other blogs that are not related to finance is simple, we all have a financial story no matter who we are. I believe money is not the only focus we should have when traveling our road to financial freedom, and I think discovering some fun blogs that share something different can be a welcomed break from over focusing on money.

So today I welcome Marc from

Hi everybody! My name is Marc and I am the creator of a blog called Marky Marc’s World. I created this site in order to give me a platform to talk about topics going on in my life that mean a lot to me. As a new blogger, I wasn’t sure of what kind of niche I fell into so I thought it might be good to focus on a few different topics that meant something to me and go from there. Over the past several months I’ve talked about building my first home, diy projects, my new fitness regimen, and some of my travel (mostly baseball) excursions. Over the course of time, I’ve become quite knowledgable and passionate about social media and blogging itself. That appears to be the direction I’m heading in with my blog, but I’m also hoping to continue discussing other topics going on in my world as well.1

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve only been blogging for about 1 year. I toyed around with a few ideas before I settled on the blog I focus my time on today.

What has been you biggest money mistake?

My biggest money mistake was accumulating so much credit debt in college. I didn’t necessarily do it on purpose or because I didn’t care about my finances. I didn’t always have the money I needed for books and other school materials so I wound up putting a lot of it on credit cards. Then I moved away from home and never got the chance to put a good plan together to clean it up. As a result, I could never get ahead.

What is your best advice for recovering from or preventing this money mistake?

Recovering from debt, especially credit card debt is something you can definitely accomplish. Find a debt consolidation company you trust and work with them. They will put you on a plan that will help you to build the habits you need to climb out of the hole. As far as preventing it, just stay within your means. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it!

Favorite quote or money advice and who was the author?

I don’t know if I have one really. Be smart with your money! That is very broad, but true.

Favorite money or budgeting related book and author?

Again, I honestly haven’t really read a lot of books on this topic. I probably should learn more though!

Favorite money saving website?

They really helped me to get out of a big credit hole when I desperately needed it.

Favorite money making app or website?

Uber, Ebates, Amazon Affiliates, ShareASale, are a few I can think of at the moment.

Do you have an emergency fund or savings account?

Yes! I had a pretty sizable savings until I built my house last year, but still have an ok savings for a rainy day.

What is your most successful strategy for saving money?

I live within my means. I don’t really spend a whole lot of money. I still have plenty of fun and do a lot of cool things, but I make sure I do it when good deals come out or just stick to a budget.





Website URL:

I want to thank Marc for taking the time to be interviewed. Thank you for sharing your insight and financial advice with all of us today. Thank you everyone who took the time to read this post, please stop by his website when you have a chance and let him know Saving Joyfully sent you. See you next time here on friends and finances for another blogger Interview, and an introduction to another great blogger.


