
Is creating a blog worth my time? Is blogging fun and will it bring me joy or will I end up dreading it?

As I sit here writing this post I am doing so out of pure inspiration. What I wanted to share with you today is something that I really believe needs to be addressed more often than it is.

I want to be completely honest right now I'm feeling burned out and discouraged. Many feel this way in many aspects of their lives and many feel it more often than others. For me, blogging is both something that brings me joy and also something that at times adds stress. This is completely normal for a writer to feel stressed in writing and creating when they simply are burnt out.

How blogging can steal your joy

There are a few ways that blogging can steal your joy. Below I share a few of the ways that I have witnessed blogging successfully stealing a blogger's joy.

  • Blogging about something you aren't passionate about

  • Allowing a quest for money and popularity to become their focus

  • Placing too much stress on yourself to create content. This is especially true while working full time and having a family to care for. Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.

New bloggers trying to make money blogging?

Starting a blog is so often portrayed as many things. Creating and running a blog is sold to many as a great way to make money. Many have honestly made a lot of money over the years through running blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels.

I encourage you though if blogging has been sold to you as a money maker do yourself a favor and re-evaluate your priorities. Make sure that you start a blog because you love blogging. I am not saying making money is not possible with a blog it certainly is. I just know from experience that this dream of making money from your blog may or may not happen.

I wrote a post recently that shares more of my views on making money blogging. In this post, I share what I have learned in my two years of blogging and how to avoid wasting money blogging.

Make sure your priorities are right

Be certain that you have another reason or even a list of reasons pushing you to write every day. If you do not have reasons to blog other than making money you will eventually struggle with your blog a lot. Start a blog and run a blog because you actually have a passion for writing and sharing your voice and it will often bring you great joy. Start it only to make money and it will most likely steal your joy much more often. Money-making blogs take time and dedication and most of all a sincere passion to share something that will genuinely benefit others.

What it is like becoming an Influencer

Blogging is portrayed as an opportunity to influence others and make a difference. This is also not completely untrue. Many do exactly this while running their websites. Many do make a difference in sharing what they have learned and what they believe. This, however, can be frustrating especially for new bloggers when they struggle to even get views or get noticed. Start a blog expecting that you will get little to no response at first. Write because you are passionate about writing and connect with others who also are passionate about blogging. This will fuel and encourage you when you begin to experience burnout or discouragement. Finding a community of bloggers that you support and that help support you is critical to your success in blogging. Remember it is hard to Influence others unless you have both clear-cut goals and passions. Once you have developed those things in your blogging journey it will show in all of you. At this point, you have begun your journey as an influencer and others will want to know how to discover what you have.

Blogging can bring your life great Joy

The ways that blogging can bring your life joy are numerous. Many people choose to blog purely for this reason. They do not focus on making money with their website and do it passionately to share their journey. Money-making blog or just a blog of passion? Whatever choice you make with your blog you need to enjoy what you do or it will lead to burnout quickly. 

What are the top 5 ways that blogging brings me Joy?

  1. Blogging allows me to confidently share what is on my heart

  2. I have finally found the courage to speak out about my own financial journey

  3. I get to create a website with resources that can help others struggling to manage their finances

  4. I have had the pleasure of meeting some amazing fellow bloggers

  5. My writing has not only been read by others but they have shared it with others. Many have pinned it on Pinterest and even linked to articles I have written throughout the world

As long as I continue to reflect on my passion for writing and the valuable connections made through my blog then blogging still brings me joy.

Why I chose to write this post

I do not regret starting my blog but I do want to address the misconception of blogging as a great easy way to make money because it is not that easy. Today I chose to write this and share this with the world because I wanted to share my experiences and some encouragement with my fellow bloggers and those looking to start a new blog.

Blogging often leads to burnout

Blogging is one of those things where you need to have to have a passion for what you do. Because as a blogger burnout will come. Burnout happens for many people at different stages in their journey. In blogging many bloggers experience burnout or give up on blogging early on. I have heard many say that most bloggers give up on blogging within the first 3 - 6 months of blogging. I feel that after over two years of running a blog I can confidently say that these things are very important to pay attention to when creating a blog.

When starting a blog you need to start with these 6 things

  1. A passion for what you are choosing to blog about

  2. Create connections with other bloggers. I suggest the blogging communities on Twitter. If you do not have any blogger connections on Twitter why not follow me on Twitter and send me a message. I would be happy to personally help you connect with other bloggers.

  3. A willingness to learn new things. Especially a willingness to learn Search engine optimization and technology. These are extremely important for most bloggers wanting to make money running their blogs.

  4. It is important to have a good support system when starting your blog. If your spouse or partner is not supportive of what you do this will be even harder to be successful.

  5. Goals. You need to set goals and make a plan. It doesn't have to be a perfect plan but you do need to outline your goals and how you are going to reach them.

  6. Find a mentor. If you do not have one I can suggest a few that I seek guidance from. They do not know me personally but I have discovered a few that share great content that helps keep me inspired. Darren Rowse from Problogger has been an inspiration since I started. More recently I have also found Jim and Ricky from Income school who also help me stay passionate about what I do. I watch their weekly YouTube videos which help inspire me and keep me focused.

Some bloggers experience burnout many times throughout the life of their blogs. This is natural and takes time and a lot of inspiration to work through these moments.

Rediscovering your passion for blogging

The best way I have discovered to find this passion again in blogging is to look for someone who does the same thing that inspires you. Don't compare your success with others, your journey is likely very different. What you should do though is gain insight from what they have learned and what they share. Listen to what they say, read what they write, learn more about what they share that inspires you and feel the renewed passion that develops. You have got this, my friend! Despite the burnout, you may experience you can rise above this and achieve all of those blogging goals. I hope that you are finally able to discover the Joy that blogging and writing offer.


