
As we go through the day to day motions of life like going to the grocery store, filling up your gas tank, or paying those pesky electric bills, it might become more and more difficult for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In order for us to achieve happiness, Psychology Today says you must follow a five-step process: 


  1. Take Action

  2. Know That You’re In Charge of Yourself

  3. Put Yourself First

  4. Control Your Thoughts

  5. Live in the Present

These steps may not be as easy as you’d think, and more specifically, the last step might be causing you the most trouble. In this post, we’ll explain some ways that you can stay motivated for any goal.

Take time to enjoy life

As humans, we always want more. We want more money, a “better” life, a stronger relationship. This is a natural feeling, and it drives us to do the things we do. But it’s also important to think back to realize where you are now. Last year, you might have only been able to save $50 a month, but you dreamed of saving $100 a month. Today, you might be saving $100 a month, but you dream of saving $200 a month. It’s easy to get stuck in this circle of dissatisfaction. At some point in this cycle, you need to understand that where you are today, might be where you dreamed of being 5 years ago. You need to keep this in mind and enjoy it.

Know your limits

Burnout is a serious problem in today’s society. We are bombarded with messages of “work harder” and “you’re not working hard enough”. But there’s a point in which you will need a break, no matter what people say. If you continuously work 150%, 20 hours a day, you’ll eventually experience burnout and get tired of pushing yourself to your limits.

You need to understand your own limits which can be different from person to person. For some, it might be more than others. If you begin to feel burnout, it’s wise to back off of yourself so that you do not give up or act erratically.

Keep track of progress

Whenever you begin to feel unmotivated or discouraged, having a journal of your progress could be just the right pick-me-up you need. Whether your progress is as large as making an extra $30,000 a year or as small as getting your first 100 followers on Twitter, you should be sure to record these small victories and celebrate them when they happen.

Have a purpose or goal each day

Whenever you wake up, you probably have some sort of mental journal of what you have to do for that day. For many it might be “wake up, go to work, come home, relax, repeat”. If this is you, it might be time to think about how you are living your life.

You should establish a purpose or goal each day. It doesn’t need to be something elaborate or incredible. Your purpose for each day should aim to fulfill your larger goals in life. If it’s about money, it could be something as simple as “not eating out for lunch” or “make a few extra dollars”. The actions you take throughout the day should consider your daily and long term goals.

For me, I aim to dedicate time to growing my blog. Some days my goal might be to write a blog post, other days it might be to interact with followers on social media. Both are pieces that are dedicated to achieving the larger goal of growing my blog.

Get out of your comfort zone

It is human nature to avoid discomfort and for some things, this is a positive. But when it comes to personal growth and development, this is a hindrance. In order for you to grow as a person, you must be willing to feel discomfort.

Many of us get stuck in the “Keeping up with the Jones’” mindset. This will limit our ability to grow both financially and as people. For example, many people are attracted to large houses and new cars. These people might choose to stretch their budget to its’ limit in order to purchase these items.

Instead, to achieve lifelong growth, happiness, and financial freedom, you should aim to limit this kind of spending and choose to invest it in your future.


Getting caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle of life is extremely easy to do. We get stuck in routines that will limit our growth and stifle any progress in our personal lives. To break out of this rut there are several things you should consider. Most importantly, you should set a purpose or goal for each day you wake up. The size of your goal does not matter, but it should work towards achieving your larger life goals. You’ll also need to get out of your comfort zone and do things you wouldn’t normally do to achieve your goals andkeep yourself motivated.

Envisioning success is critical to keeping yourself motivated and pushing yourself forward. What do you do to keep yourself motivated and out of the daily rut? Comment below!

"Forrest is a personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing enthusiast dedicated to helping others obtain life long wealth. He owns several different blogs including Don’t Work Another Day and is also passionate about health and fitness."


