Imapact a life quote

How are you leaving a legacy that matters? What sort of legacy do you want to leave behind? I know the thought of dying and being remembered by others is not something that most of us want to think about. It’s difficult to consider that someday each one of us will be gone.

Leaving a legacy that matters

Today my husband and I shared breakfast at a local diner. We decided to go to this diner because most of our favorite places were already packed with people waiting. We ordered our food and were eating with our toddler daughter who was misbehaving. She has her days like all toddlers do and for some reason today she decided that she was not going to sit and eat.

I struggled to get my daughter to behave and to calm her screaming. As the morning progressed I found myself getting more and more frustrated. All I wanted today was to enjoy a quiet breakfast and Jasmine was determined that was not going to happen.

As we were finishing our breakfast and Jasmine was still carrying on a bit a woman appeared by our table. She quickly greeted us and explained that she and her husband wanted to buy our breakfast. I was stunned as she placed a gift card in front of us and said have a great day. We both said thank you and just sat there in shock.

A simple gift of kindness

I picked up the gift card holder and read the message on the outside. The gift card was given in memory of a young man who passed away at 36. I read the card and the tears began to flow. I didn’t cry because of the money but because of the impact, the gesture had made on me. I never knew this young man or anything about his life but my life was impacted at that moment by his life. This experience came seven years after his death but a life of generosity and kindness was still being celebrated by those who loved him even today.

Why they chose to honor his life this way

I did a quick google search after I returned home that morning and learned that the young man had died unexpectedly at 36 years old. His obituary shared that during his life he was well known for his kindness and generous spirit. The moment that card was received from his loved one my life was changed. I was reminded of the kind of legacy that I myself would want to leave someday. There is nothing in life I would want to be remembered for more than for impacting other people’s lives with kindness, generosity, and spreading Joy. This young man has left that very legacy today even all these years later touching lives just like mine.

Ask yourself these questions

What are you doing today that is worth remembering? Are you investing in the lives of others? Are you impacting others with what you do and say? Does your kindness come from a willing heart? Are you giving to others not expecting anything in return? How am I leaving a legacy that matters?

My challenge to each of us today

I challenge you today to seek more ways to pay It forward and to make a difference. It doesn’t have to cost a lot but your kindness can make a difference to another person today. Simple unexpected kindness can alter someone’s perspective and challenge us all to make this world a better place to live in. Find ways to give back while you are still living and I bet your legacy will live on in the minds and hearts of those that you encounter both today and in the future.


