
No matter who you are a lot of these money saving tips will apply to you in your everyday life. What I have compiled below is a basic list of ideas to help cut expenses, and save more money in your daily life. If you are looking for ways to keep more of your hard earned money, well then this is the list for you.

Simple money saving tips

Drink more water

water is free and as a bonus it is also healthier than other beverages. Drinking more water can save you so much on beverage purchases either while eating out or eating at home because water costs nothing extra if you drink it straight from the tap. If you prefer bottled or filtered water you can buy a filter such as PUR or Brita as a faucet mount or pitcher and this will save both money and excess waste.

Go out to eat less and cook at home more

This saves you so much more money over eating out and causes you to get creative with your cooking. If you don't have time to do a lot of cooking, there are a lot of great easy crock pot recipes on Pinterest.

Always use a shopping list

Make a list when you go grocery shopping and stick to your list. Do not buy extra things or even allow yourself to look at other items as you go through the store. Most items are designed by advertising experts who invest a lot of money in drawing in the attention of the buyer to cause you to feel the urge to buy the item. You know what you need to get through each week and if it was not on your list you do not need it.

Use coupons

Use more coupons whether electronic or printable on products you are already buying. Stock up on items you always buy when they are on sale, as long as they will not expire before you can use them. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can also use some great apps for grocery store rebates that will help you to save money.

Cut your cable

I know many people will never consider this, but there really are a lot cheaper options than cable TV for entertainment. These are often just as good and more cost-effective than Cable or Satellite. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and even You Tube offer great entertainment much cheaper. We use Amazon Prime because of the flat yearly fee, and we love it!

Try Prime Discounted Monthly Offering

Call around for better rates on car insurance

We have used Answer financial for years, and have had great success saving on our car Insurance and renters insurance. This really works, we have called many times and have found much better rates with other companies just by trying. I do not partner with Answer Financial or get any money for recommending them we have just found the most success with this company.

Get rid of land line phones

Eliminate your home phone and just use your cell phone. You do not need a landline telephone in most cases and can really benefit from having just a cell phone financially. Why pay two monthly phone bills when most often you are not using the second phone. Most people call us on our cell phone these days and if they do not eliminating the other phone will encourage them to do so.

Save your change in a jar

This is a great way to start saving and not even notice the missing money. I have a large jar I add to and a few times a year I roll the change and take it to the bank, usually right before vacation because it helps to add to our vacation budget.

Use the library or download free books

Use the library or download free kindle eBooks instead of buying books all the time. I do occasionally buy certain books if they are books that I really love otherwise I typically use these money-saving options instead.

Follow some freebie and money-saving blogs

for additional tips because often I find the best advice and deals on these to save us money. I have a few favorites that I can suggest such as,, and of course your truly

Download some money-saving apps

You can use my link below to visit my blog posting created with many money-saving apps I use to save money and use them more. I find that I can make an additional $20-$30 a month using these apps fairly easily.

Do you have credit cards?

If you have credit cards then you should be able to contact them to see if they will give you a better rate. I know that a lot of credit card companies will work with you if you are a loyal customer and they do not want to see you go to another company instead. If you can eliminate credit card usage all together this is even better but if you have balances every month this may help you save some money.

Pack your lunch

Packing your lunch for work or school everyday can be a lot of work, but it can also help tremendously cut down on costs.

Shop at thrift stores

You would be surprised at the things you can find at your local thrift stores. Great clothing and shoes, often brand new with tags still on them and many other great finds.

Check for frequent customer programs and discounts for frequent shoppers

There are many deals for frequent customers through many different companies for things you may use frequently such as; airlines, hotels, car rental companies, gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants and many others.

Sell back old phones or devices you aren't using

A great company to use for this would be they are largest comparison site in the U.S. for trading in your mobile phone or tablet. They compare the market, so you don't have to. SellCell compares prices and user ratings all in one place, so no scouring loads of websites. vet's all buyers for peace of mind to ensure they are an established company. They guarantee that they will pay you the maximum amount of money for your old device through their best Price Guarantee. So if you are looking to sell an old Cell phone or tablet, look no further than click this link and start comparing today. If you really need to save some money these are some great ways to start and they are fairly simple to do as well. I hope these help get you started on your journey to saving more money this year. Many of you can probably discover an area you may currently overspending on from this list and possibly make that your money-saving focus this year. I challenge you to pick at least one from this list and try it for a month, I believe it will make a difference in your financial situation if it is one are you currently overspend on.


